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First writing in 2023
Monday, July 31, 2023 • 1:16 PM • 0 comments

 Hi, dear self. It's been years, isn't it? I apologize for who you've turn into, dear self... I've come to the realization that everything is my fault. I'm sorry for the unachieved dreams... I'm sorry for being such a rebel daughter... I'm sorry for the broken friendships...

Now you're just somebody that I used to know.. (somebody~ I used to knooww~ halah tiberr)

After all these years, now I find myself completely alone. Yeh, sekarang aku keseorangan. Padan muka, siapa suruh bengap sangat jadi manusia tu kan. Dah takde tempat mengadu. Pepandai la hidup. Haha siallz. Despite life appears easy to everyone, I find myself still facing daily struggles in pursuit of my personal best.

Such unforgettable yet unapologetic memories in my life, but no harder than anyone else in this world. I'm still lucky enough to be alive and living comfortably.


My current life is getting better than before. Lonely tu, yes, makin lonely tapi okayla takde semak otak aku nak fikir masalah orang lain. 

If nak summarised kisah sendu aku dulu pun memang agak sadis ceritanya hahaha. Study life.. Work life.. Another life... (haha tiberr

Enough of stupid drama lerr. Benda kecik pun nak sendu ke haha tak gentel ah

Sekian coretan saya hari ini. Sebab today adalah hari pertama saya masuk kerja night shift dan saya sangat bosan hahaha


This girl is story-telling

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